Year: 2022

Eddie Werre Jr. Journeyman Jock From Ashley, North Dakota

Eddie Werre Jr. Journeyman Jock From Ashley, North Dakota

by Bob Gates Werre? There has to be some of you wondering who Ed Werre is and what's so special about him? This is another one of those blogs where our person of interest represents a number of -- in this case -- riders who have spent a good portion of their lives at...

Balooga Bull: Simply the Best

Balooga Bull: Simply the Best

by Bob Gates There's a common thread that links books written to honour champions of the past and our humble blog stories. Both remember special equines from the early days of the Winnipeg racing scene who have long since passed. Not this time around! This multiple...

Anatomy of a Track Record

Anatomy of a Track Record

by Bob Gates Does the title of our blog story this week have a familiar ring to it? Hope so. Most of you are probably too young to remember the 1959 American courtroom drama and crime film "Anatomy of a Murder" produced and directed by Otto Preminger. The film stars...

Secret Weapons and Other 50-year-old Memories of Nice Dancer

Secret Weapons and Other 50-year-old Memories of Nice Dancer

by Bob Gates Well another Manitoba Derby is on the books and congratulations go out to the winner Red Knobs and his connections, owner Rob Nokes, trainer Robertino Diodoro and jockey Jorge Carreno. It's fun to look back at the list of previous winners of our Derby....

The History of the Manitoba Derby in Photos

The History of the Manitoba Derby in Photos

by Bob Gates A few weeks ago we tried something different. The traditional blog story was replaced by an array of photos complete with captions and it turns out, you liked it! With our Manitoba Derby going to post Monday, August 1 let's give the photo story idea...

Beginnings, Endings and Thank You

Beginnings, Endings and Thank You

by Bob Gates Who's kidding who, you're being short-changed this time around. Our weekly history blog isn't about a historical horse racing figure or event. That's right, no person, horse or anything else was researched for today's tale. However, in an effort to pacify...