
Lawrence Greenberg: Master of Big Boy Stable
by Bob Gates "Lawrence was bigger than life. He was what I pictured a big owner to look like, just the way he carried himself. The stable name suited him to a tee." -- Irwin Driedger on Lawrence Greenberg You hear phrases like "bigger than life" all the time, but in...

Carl Norman Anderson. Old School Professional Horseman.
by Bob Gates Carl Anderson was only 13 years old when Assiniboia Downs opened in 1958, but it didn't take him long to find his way to the Portage Avenue track. Right from the "get-go" young Carl had a fondness for horses and his boyhood home was just northeast of the...

1998 Manitoba Derby: A Milestone Event
by Bob Gates The historic Manitoba Derby is a treasure-trove of milestones. The 2021 edition will be yet another in the storied legends that contribute to its mystique. This season's Derby will take place with a tarmac filled to capacity with anxious spectators after...

Tommy Stadnyk – The kid from Winnipeg’s North End that done good, real good.
by Bob Gates Jockey Tommy Stadnyk "… has broken his legs twice, has broken both wrists, his collarbone 'many times' and other bones 'I can't remember.' He says he's never been 'seriously' hurt." -- Steve Simmons, Calgary Herald 1984 There will be a number of local...

Walter Brian Hutcheon – The Legend that is “Hutch”
by Bob Gates "Long time horseman, Walter Brian Hutcheon, better known as “Hutch” at Assiniboia Downs, passed away peacefully in his sleep at his home in Winnipeg on September 2, 2001. He was 59." ~ George Williams, Manitoba Thoroughbred Magazine 2002 For those of you...

Tom’s Triactor – Family, Horses and Golf
by Bob Gates After researching 50 years of newspaper articles and the like, you'd really think there would be a captivating headline regarding a Derby or an award-winning horse that would stand out over all others. No sir! Oh, I found a couple of items that shone a...

August 20, 1976 – A Dashingly Special Memory!
by Bob Gates This year marks the 10th season that the history blog has been recalling racing memories. Back in 2012, I was asked to write a weekly historical blog that would run during the Downs live thoroughbred race meet. Fast forward to the present -- 180 stories...

Karen Chysyk – The Powder Puff Queen with the Million Dollar Smile
by Bob Gates Yet another fair lass from Saskatoon who called Assiniboia Downs home. Sound familiar? It should, as Karen Hendricks, nee Chysyk, started her journey with Joan Phipps, whose story was told here in August 2019. Karen grew up a stone's throw away from...

The Great Cull of ’62
by Bob Gates "Cull - to remove an inferior animal from a herd." The definition sounds sad, doesn't it? However, following Assiniboia Downs' 1962 race meet that is exactly what took place at the 6 ½-furlong oval on the edge of Winnipeg’s Perimeter Highway. The goal of...

Fergie, the Jets and Assiniboia Downs – A Love Story
by Bob Gates Ten years ago, Mark Chipman announced the purchase of the Atlanta Thrashers, and the Winnipeg Jets 2.0 were born. What a great opportunity to pay homage to the man who played a vital role in obtaining a National Hockey League (NHL) franchise for our fair...