
Hey Good Lookin’, Attractive or Handsome?

Hey Good Lookin’, Attractive or Handsome?

by Bob Gates Another Manitoba Derby is in the books and congratulations go out to winner Inside Straight and his connections! What a fine looking beast he is! And that got me to thinking about "lookers" from days gone by. Talk about walking into a mine field! With...

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Bimbo the Pony, Legend and Legacy

Bimbo the Pony, Legend and Legacy

by Bob Gates All of you who remember or who have ever heard of a horse named "Bimbo" please raise your hands. I don't see many arms in the air. That's not unexpected. Until I found an old obscure newspaper article from the now defunct Winnipeg Tribune I didn't know...

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The Legend of the Whittier Park Clocker

The Legend of the Whittier Park Clocker

by Bob Gates At first glance you might think this is the story of some curmudgeonly, 60-something lifetime racetracker who was hanging on to the sport he loved and lived in the only way he could - timing the morning workouts of thoroughbreds at old Whittier Park race...

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And the Oscar goes to…

And the Oscar goes to…

by Bob Gates It's Oscar time folks and this week we recognize some of Assiniboia Downs' finest equine performances. Who in their right mind would even attempt to cross this minefield? Yours truly of course, and why not? I've never claimed to be of sound mind, or body...

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