A Racetracker’s Night Before Christmas

A Racetracker’s Night Before Christmas

by Bob Gates Once again, it's that time of year. Yuletide carols echo through the frosty air, while multi-coloured lights twinkle everywhere. Yes folks, its Christmas! For the past 10 years I have been honoured to act as your ambassador to racing's past. To show my...

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Smoky Cinder, Pawluks’ Pride – A Tribute

Smoky Cinder, Pawluks’ Pride – A Tribute

by Bob Gates The last time I saw Smoky… he was an image in my rearview mirror. In September 2019, I had gone to the Pawluk farm for what I expected would be my final visit with Smoky Cinder. I had travelled to Woodlands with the expressed purpose of spending time with...

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Stakes Honor Influential Builders at ASD

Stakes Honor Influential Builders at ASD

by Bob Gates R. C. Anderson, Frank Arnason, Jack Hardy, Phil Kives, R. J. Speers, J. W. Sifton and Hazel Wright make up the collective of builders that are remembered through memorial stake races in 2020 at Assiniboia Downs. There have been others over the years...

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An Old Man’s Memories of Yesteryear

An Old Man’s Memories of Yesteryear

by Bob Gates Perhaps you've seen him before, the short heavy-set old man sitting on a bench in front of the grandstand. Certainly not recently because of the "no fans in the stands" directive, but in previous years the solitary senior could be found at his...

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The Richardsons of Assiniboia Downs

The Richardsons of Assiniboia Downs

by Bob Gates Manhattan was home to the Morgans and the Vanderbilts, Winnipeg the Aspers and Richardsons. Since the early days of Assiniboia Downs, the Richardson name was well-known throughout the backstretch community. No, not the Wellington Crescent Richardsons....

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