Vicki Warhol

Memories of Vicki Warhol-Essman, thanks Social Media!

Memories of Vicki Warhol-Essman, thanks Social Media!

by Bob Gates I'm not a huge fan of social media. I don't Tweet and couldn't tell you a thing about Instagram. I am on Facebook, and as a guilty pleasure you might catch me watching cute cat videos on YouTube, but that's about it. This past week I learned via Facebook...

Women who rocked the Powder Puff Derby

Women who rocked the Powder Puff Derby

by Bob I'm guessing the name "Powder Puff" was created by a male of our species. Certainly there aren't many women these days that would come up with such a sexist sounding name for a horse race featuring women-only riders or "jockettes" as they were often called, a...